Saturday 22 February 2014

On Spare Time

Whenever I find myself in a period when I am provided with an abundance of spare time certain actions are going to, inevitably, occur. These actions are as follows:
1.       I capitalise upon the opportunity and do something worthwhile. I read more.
2.       Due to my reading more I instil within myself both a false sense of talent (80 – 90% of the time) and a yearning to express myself (something which should be avoided 100% of the time) and write more.
3.       I, as the period of time passes, stay up later and later, reading and writing more and more and thus exhausting myself. Thus, a solid seven hours of sleep becomes an agreeable eight hours, a slothful nine and an idle ten, peaking at a sinful eleven.
4.       As I begin to sleep longer till later I begin to miss meals which I counter by eating inter-meal meals in partnership with main meals.
To decide whether this system of actions is positive or not I have devised this pro/con list:

I educate myself.
I educate myself too much and suddenly fall ill to an existential crisis.
I have an acceptable excuse to ignore those in my immediate vicinity.
If what I’m reading is bad I have no such excuse to ignore people within my immediate vicinity.
I can spend money without feeling guilty.
I can spend money without feeling guilty.
It creates the false image that I am better than people.
As it turns out, people dislike those who they perceive as better than themselves.
It gives me something to do on buses. (Talking to strangers is far too taxing)
I become far too engrossed and miss my stop. (In comparison, if I had spoken to a stranger, I would have been anticipating my stop for quite some time and would have been waiting to get off)
It is an activity that can be enjoyed both inside as well as out, thought the latter is by far more comfortable.
I cannot refuse an invitation outside if my excuse is merely “I’m reading.”

I am more confident in myself.
Writing should not be done confidently, therefore I am doing it wrong.
I feel talented (enough).
Talent, it so happens, is not so evenly/fairly distributed as I think it is.
I produce something entertain and moral.
I fool myself into thinking that there are such things as literary entertainment nowadays or morality.
It gives me more hope concerning my future.
If I continue to write I’ll most likely never have future prospects beyond acidic fame, depression, poverty, alcoholism and lung cancer.

I put my time to good use.
I lose time which could be put to better use.

I put my time to the best use of all.

As you can see, pro’s outweigh con’s by a landslide victory of twelve to eleven, deeming my use of spare time both acceptable and, more importantly, appropriate.